refueling refusal

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refueling refusal

Post by letuandk » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 17:32

THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT the Bueno Texas Street Excursion. So that they did not have to pay someone to write these words because I work for Thrasher, I had been requested to write the article. That thrifty, huh? And that I was also asked to write the article because I am rolled in fairly deep over at the Bueno best skateboard brands for beginners too
. They got me drawing on images. The only real downside to me writing the Bueno Texas road trip article is that I did not go on the trip. I am pretty sure I missed half of the program although I had been around for a portion of it.

The trip started off at the Make A in Houston Wish Benefit. The Bueno Brigade (Shiloh Greathouse, Staey Lowery, Nate Broussard, and Mark Gutterman) flew to Houston and rented a van. I live and so it had been up to me to find my own way. No flights for Sieben. I ended up jumping from Oklahoma in a mini-van with some dudes. What I heard in the Oklahomies is that there is never an inappropriate moment to shout " You Cocksucker" at full volume. It is a good idea. Even in front of the older.
SO I RODE with these Oklahomies IN A MINI-VAN (Note 1: those dudes were actual Oklahomies. I'm not using this term lightly. To prove it I will mention the title of one. Gabe Friedman) and I'm pretty sure that they were stoked that when we got to Houston we were going to be hanging out with Shiloh. Since ... well, he's Shiloh. So anyway, we get to Houston and that I try calling Stacy so we could all match up, but seemingly Stacy didn't feel like dealing with drunk Sieben (you can drink a whole lot of beer in a mini-van from Austin to Houston) therefore he wasn't picking up. I wound up sleeping on the floor of a room with a bunch of dudes I'd just met. So far that the Bueno road excursion was going magnificent.

The following day I woke up feeling ******. Kind of Like how you feel when you're in your 30s and you wake up hung around on the ground of a resort room that is crusty with a whole lot of men in their late teens and early 20s. You know, it is kind of one of those "what the fortune am I doing with my life" kind of moments. I believe that is called alcohol depression. So I called Stacy and he explained that his phone was not getting a signal the evening before (in the bowling alley that he and the guys were hanging out at). It looked like a feeble excuse but Stacy's much larger than I am so I do not contend with him. I told him I would see him at the skatepark on.
SO LATER ON at the skatepark I finally got to Meet with each the guys on the Bueno team. It was cool to shake hands that I am working with. Although I sort of wished I'd brought yet another other than the one with the huge kitty on front with the American flag bandana around its neck. I just thought it sort of made a bizarre impression, although I like the top and all.
I say hello to the dudes and then they Have to make the rounds and go skate and shit and that I don't know what so I am just kind of walking around hoping that I encounter somebody that I know I'm supposed to be doing. I saw my friend Dahveed and he explained that he had an ice chest full of beer in his vehicle. That is pretty much what I did the rest of the day. Stacy told me that he and the dudes went back to their and called me later in the day. I took the hint and tracked down the Oklahomies and informed them that I'd probably be sleeping on their floor again, and they were like, "Thank you for introducing us to Shiloh, dude." And I was like, "I barely met him myself, dudes." And they were like, "Are you drunk?" And I was like, "Yeah, pretty much." And they are like, "We are too. Get your butt in the mini-van."
(Note 2: mini-van driver : not drunk)

I CALLED STACY LATER to Find out if he Along with the other men wanted to drink beer at a dirty room with me and the Oklahomies, but he told me that they were just going to eat dinner and chill so that they could wake up early and move road skating the morning after. I told him I would probably just see him in Austin (that was another stop on their trip) since the chances of me getting up early and going road skating were pretty much nonexistent. I slept on a filthy floor and rode back to Austin the next day and waited to arrive.

That evening I got the call the Bueno van Was rolling in to town and that I gave instructions to a pizza parlor that led to meet the dudes and serves pitchers of Lone Star. I came in the pizza place a little later than the Bueno Brigade and apparently some sort of altercation had happened in the parking lot with Alex (the filmer guy who had been with them) and this local dude named Cornbread. And the moment I said hello to everybody and sat down, Alex started yelling from throughout the scene and the room had every sign that the shit was about to hit best complete skateboards for beginners.

Allow me to backtrack a bit. The Very First Time I fulfilled once he was almost hit by a truck before my friend Adam's house, Cornbread was. He was cruising down the street on his 10 rate, drunk as hell with some headphones on and swerving all over the area and he rode directly in front of a dude in a pickup truck and the dude at the truck had to slam on his brakes and he skidded around 10 ft and nearly killed Cornbread. The entire thing was pretty scary and crazy. And a couple of hours later, Cornbread comes riding back down the road and he's all, "Did y'all see me almost get run over? This shit was crazy!" And then he gave us a few of his 40oz of malt liquor and proceeded to pitch us this plan he had for refinishing rich people's floors in the neighborhood and attempted (unsuccessfully) to entertain my buddy Adam and I to join him in his business plan because as he put it, "I need some white boys to knock on doors."
[ external image ]

ADAM AND I had been employed we Graciously declined, but we didn't give him our friend Cary Jackson's cell phone number because that man never gets a job.
But anyhow, back to the road excursion article. So Here's this guy Alex about to get into a fight with Cornbread, also I had been somewhat worried because Alex is sort of built just like me (kind of a chicken leg body) and Cornbread is fairly thick. But beyond being thick, Cornbread is only ... well ... he is just kind of crazier than a shithouse rat. And I did not really think that Alex's very first flavor of Austin ought to be the taste of his own blood.

But before I had a opportunity to try and calm things down, Alex got up from his chair and stormed over to where Cornbread was sitting, and confronted him. And it actually seemed like fists were going to begin flying. But Cornbread and he were giving every other one of these manly pat-on-the-back kind of hugs as if they have been homies for life. And Cornbread kicked it with us to the rest of the evening and pulled his seat around to our table. Because he spent most of the day attempting to convince Shiloh he needs to star in the movie he's 34, and apparently he's given up on his floor refinishing plan. Cornbread is so rad.

And that night that we hung Out in Austin and the filmer got into a fight was the thing that happened while I had been hanging out with all the dudes. Aside from that I simply showed them some of those places in my city and they moved to work jumping shit down and leaping shit and scooting across shit.
It was cool to bring dudes The shit from me and see them get rad onto them. It did not do a whole hell of a great deal for my inferiority complex, but I figure we had gone skating and if they'd shown up and I was as great as them our company would be in a shitload of trouble. But the way things are I suppose I'd have to mention that Bueno will probably be about as hot as Powell Peralta was at the mid '80s. Which kind of sucks because I guess that means I'm going to need to play the McGill character. And shit, at least McGill had the McTwist. All I've got is a kickflip to fakie at a buttocks G-turn and a ditch. Oh well

Anyhow, I guess I'll wrap up this article by Saying some shit like, Dude, we had such a rad time and even though we barely knew each other when the trip began ... No, that shit sucks. I will just end this post by saying that next time I get asked to write a road trip article I hope that "road trip" includes something more than riding at a mini-van into Houston ... (Note 3: The Bueno Brigade also went to San Antonio on this road trip but I didn't get to go because I needed to leave town on a previously planned trip. We didn't have to skate the Banana Farm, the Death Star, or any of my ditches. That being said, I left so that I could show them why I live here the dudes guarantee to come back to Austin in the near future for much more of an elongated stay. Maybe by the time they return I have that mini-ramp built in my own backyard. Yeah, I sort of doubt it too.)

(Note 4: This is the first road trip article I have ever written and I just reread it and realized that it does not actually Have anything to do with anyone but myself. So I will add this small part at The end so that it will be that I've read in Additional magazines: Dude! Mark Gutterman completely farted from the area Broussard skates like he has some hidden butterfly wings, this Security guard at this one place was totally a dick, most of best skateboard brand to buy got pretty Wasted, and iPod ipod iPod!)
Last edited by letuandk on Wed, 24. Jan 18, 11:18, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: refueling refusal

Post by RainerPrem » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 17:39

letuandk wrote:hello people,

recently I've found a Ranahas (container) transportship in an Argon zone.
the ship didn't have a crew, so I boarded it and added my own.
the vessel doesn't have any fuel and when I try to send it anywhere it says "jumping".
but it can't because it hasn't got the required fuel, and it will remain like that without moving.
all systems have been repaired by my Engineer and there's a fuel-recharge-station in the sector.
having him in my squad or not doesn't change the situation.
I've also assigned the Rahanas to one of my station managers but all the Rahanas does is sit idle.
when I order it to fly to the zone which has the recharge station , it'll go there but refuses to refuel.
does anybody have an idea why this is happening?
Q1: Which mods have you activated (I can't remember a single L or XL ship without crew).

Q2: Do you have repaired the ship? If the drone bay is damaged, the ship can't trade.

Suggestion: Select an L-ship dealer and tell him to modify->repair the ship. The outfit it with some freight URVs.


Alan Phipps
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Post by Alan Phipps » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 18:14

There is free abandoned Rahanas in vanilla in an OL sector.

When a capital has a working jumpdrive but insufficient fuel to jump normally, it will eventually do a self-charging (fuelless) jump but that can take up to twenty minutes while charging. Obviously the ship cannot move at all until its engines are partially repaired, which you seem to have done, but now you need to wait for the charging to start and finish. Be patient.
Last edited by Alan Phipps on Mon, 8. Jan 18, 18:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RAVEN.myst » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 18:14

Right, so I take it this is that Rahanas in
Drippy Ascent
, in Omicron Lyrae. The reason it won't refuel in the same sector is probably because it found a better price elsewhere, or possibly there is a queue of ships planning to refuel there. Fear not, this isn't a problem.

Ships without fuel can still jump, but the jump process takes somewhere around 10 minutes - you need to be patient, leave it be, and let it do its thing. However, a troubling thought occurs to me: given the amount of fiddling you've done with that ship, this may be disrupted in some way (bugs crop up most often when lots of conflicting actions/orders are issued, generally speaking.)

I suggest you do the following: Add the ship to your squad, cancel any orders it has and clear any trips it has listed, remove it from your squad, and give it the refuel command. Leave it be, and check in a quarter/half-hour.

Should the above fail: again, cancel all orders and clear trip-list, then give it an order to go somewhere in another sector (make sure the captain's auto-refuel option is enabled) - this will force the ship to auto-refuel, and it will either go to the local petrol station, or jump to another. Again, be patient - and try to resist the urge to keep checking (I don't know this for sure, but it seems looking at assets does subtly affect their behaviour, from what I've read in some other posts.)

EDIT: No repairs ought to be necessary, as the ship is found in pristine, mint condition.
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Alan Phipps
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Post by Alan Phipps » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 18:20

He says though that he boarded it, and that probably means that he obeyed Yisha and killed the jumpdrive and engines. :wink:
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Post by Rei Ayanami » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 18:36

Try going to the ship captains detail window and set "auto-refuel" to "yes".

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Post by RAVEN.myst » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 18:43

Alan Phipps wrote:He says though that he boarded it, and that probably means that he obeyed Yisha and killed the jumpdrive and engines. :wink:
The word "board" is broader (heheh) than its narrow in-game usage - when you board a train or a plane or a boat, do you first attack with a strike team? ;) So I allow for ambiguity from inexactitude. [*] That being said, I think you're right, based on the fact that "everything has been repaired by the engineer" - this wouldn't need to be done if not for an actual "boarding action", so I did overlook some context... :)

[*] Off-topic: there's many such oddly narrowed usages - take "relationship", for instance. "I'm in a relationship" is generally take to mean a very specific thing, and yet any relatives, friends, enemies, objects stacked near or atop each other, celestial bodies, people or objects or procedures or concepts involved in a particular activity to enterprise, and countless others, are all "in relationships"...

What's the point of all this? No point - just a little unsolicited insight into my demented little mind :D
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Post by Ezarkal » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 18:47

If everything fails, and the ship's engines are repaired, then try changing the captain. Sometimes an NPC will get buggy. Just fire the useless sob and get a replacement.

Otherwise, just wait it out. Some low-ranking captains can be pretty slow to react.

Concerning stuff mentioned previously:
-I never saw a ship having to jump to another system in order to refuel as long as there's an allied/neutral refuel station in the system. Even if you haven't found it yourself, the ship will know where it is and go there anyway. If there's a line, it will simply wait for it's turn. (God know how many thing I tried to get my traders to avoid Fields of Opportunity). Maybe it's a price issue, but since refueling isn't quite the same as regular trading, I have some doubts about that.
(Actually, the only reason I could think of is the fuel station is empty... That would explain it.)

-Cargo drones shouldn't be an issue either: Since any trades can happen as long as at least one of the trading partners has drones, and refuel stations (or generally any NPC stations) will always have drones. Concerning the Rahanas, (or most traders), although it has a destructible drone bay, it's cargo drones are actually launched from the side-bays for trade related operations. So even when it's got no drone bay and no drones on board, it can still technically trade with stations. I don't remember any concrete examples of this situation, though. It's been a while since I traded with freshly captured ships...

-Otherwise, it might be some mod-related issues that interfere with the captain's AI.
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Post by Rei Ayanami » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 19:29

Ezarkal wrote:If everything fails, and the ship's engines are repaired, then try changing the captain. Sometimes an NPC will get buggy. Just fire the useless sob and get a replacement.
I don't think firing is absolutely neccessary. Just recalling him to the player ship and reassigning him to the capital ship should reset his script.
Of course, if you enjoy firing people i won't stop you... :roll: Sometimes it's fun to find out what kind of dialogue they'll cry before leaving. :twisted:

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Post by RainerPrem » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 20:15

RAVEN.myst wrote:Right, so I take it this is that Rahanas in Omicron Lyrae.

I stand corrected. Learning something new every day.


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Post by RAVEN.myst » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 21:40

Ezarkal wrote: -I never saw a ship having to jump to another system in order to refuel as long as there's an allied/neutral refuel station in the system. ...
(Actually, the only reason I could think of is the fuel station is empty... That would explain it.)
I've seen it, more than once - it was either price or availability on all occasions (probably the latter, I'm also guessing - can't remember for sure.)

RainerPrem wrote:
RAVEN.myst wrote:Right, so I take it this is that Rahanas in Omicron Lyrae.
Learning something new every day.
Every time I start a new game, I wish I could forget that location, as I don't like freebies, they upset my metering of my progress. So I have to simulate "not knowing" by not going for it unless I see it - of course, when I do get around to exploring
Drippy Ascent
(be it early or late, depending on the game-start), there it is, all pink and naked and looking at me... At that point I can't justify NOT putting it to use... :S

EDIT: Thanks to the mod who added the spoiler tags - it's unlike me to not use them when appropriate (TWICE, no less!) - in fact, I tend to err on the side of caution! (My apologies.)
Last edited by RAVEN.myst on Mon, 8. Jan 18, 23:18, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ezarkal » Mon, 8. Jan 18, 21:59

RAVEN.myst wrote: I've seen it, more than once - it was either price or availability on all occasions (probably the latter, I'm also guessing - can't remember for sure.)
I'll try to pay attention the next time I play. It might be in a while, though. I'm currently experiencing a relapse of my Dark Souls addiction. :D
Humans are deuterostomes, which means that when they develop in the womb the first opening they develop is the anus.
This means that at one point you were nothing but an asshole.

Some people never develop beyond this stage.

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Post by RainerPrem » Tue, 9. Jan 18, 05:17

RAVEN.myst wrote: Every time I start a new game, I wish I could forget that location, as I don't like freebies, they upset my metering of my progress. So I have to simulate "not knowing" by not going for it unless I see it - of course, when I do get around to exploring
Drippy Ascent
(be it early or late, depending on the game-start), there it is, all pink and naked and looking at me... At that point I can't justify NOT putting it to use... :S

Oh, come on, a Rahanas is not the greatest gift on Earth. I started the current game in HoL with just a couple of M-freighters and now I'm seriously missing my Plot-Taranis's support when boarding larger ships. I really don't want to spend a full load of missiles to bring a Lyramekron's hull down, and the Skunk's weapons are not powered enough at the moment.

By the way: Since it seems I have to order a capital to be built on spec, which one would you propose (which is another of those words you mentioned above).


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Post by RAVEN.myst » Tue, 9. Jan 18, 07:11

RainerPrem wrote:
RAVEN.myst wrote: Every time I start a new game, I wish I could forget that location, as I don't like freebies, they upset my metering of my progress. So I have to simulate "not knowing" by not going for it unless I see it - of course, when I do get around to exploring
Drippy Ascent
(be it early or late, depending on the game-start), there it is, all pink and naked and looking at me... At that point I can't justify NOT putting it to use... :S
Oh, come on, a Rahanas is not the greatest gift on Earth.
Being a freighter that handles container goods, it's actually not that far from it - at lest, if "gifted" early enough in the game (if it comes much later, then yes, not a big game-changer.) A bit of personal context may be in order here: whenever I play any game, particularly any X-title, I don't want any helping hands or shortcuts in the early game, as they corrupt the growth curve - this is a bit hard to put into words, but essentially I feel robbed of sense of accomplishment for one thing, but that's not all, as it makes an apples-with-apples comparison of that game playthrough and others impossible (don't misunderstand - I don't obsessively or compulsively compare, but it's the best way I can put a very abstract notion into words, at least not yet having had my morning brain-juice...)

Regarding the plot Taranis: I usually take it out of the equation by keeping it as a station-guard if I build in Exhaustless Mines, as I often do (well, did - I haven't played XR since a half-hour upon release of 4.30.) Because my game-style tends to the economic rather than the military (I don't board much, btw, that to me is merely "proactive gift-accepting" heheheheh!), a free Rahanas has way more impact on my progression than does something such as the Taranis (in fact, the free Balor in [spolier]Cold Star[/spoiler] I don't mind getting [but again, I don't seek it out - if/when I see it I grab it], as it makes a convenient personal ship, but if not I can simply buy a suitable replacement or substitute.)

RainerPrem wrote: Since it seems I have to order a capital to be built on spec, which one would you propose
I assume, from the preceding context, that you're looking for a ship to stand in for that Taranis. I further assume, given that you've started in HoL and thus have the Taranis as a purchase option, that you're looking to "broaden your palate" as it were by trying something different...

The tricky thing here is that the Taranis is "disproportionately" strong, due to its beam weapons - these allow it to pack an impressive punch for its size and nimbleness (not that its other weapons are insignificant!) I don't think you'll find another ship that is comparable in size AND power AND toughness. Your options are either to get something bigger (and thus also heavier and slower, which may well prove a bit cumbersome as a precision tool in a boarding operation), or to get a couple/few smaller ships (though that obviously cranks up the complexity of coordinating the operation - still, this is perhaps a blessing in disguise, adding extra challenge and skill-demand, and providing the opportunity to stretch skills.)

I guess it all depends on what targets your are planning on boarding - you mentioned Lyramekrons, and if they are representative, then the smaller ships are really too fragile, but you could send in 3 or 4 of them (let's say, for example, Light Suls, or something - Stromvoks are better, though, if your sphere extends to DeVries, due to the extra plasma cannons) to do some softening-up. Too bad that Balors can't be (in vanilla, at least) ordered to hold bombardment range - that would solve this chop-chop :D I'm really flailing about some here, though - still no coffee yet, and also not my preferred way to do things (ship boarding).

What it boils down to is that it seems to me that the best functional substitute for a Taranis is... another Taranis! :S
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Post by RainerPrem » Tue, 9. Jan 18, 08:41

RAVEN.myst wrote: ...

What it boils down to is that it seems to me that the best functional substitute for a Taranis is... another Taranis! :S
Thank you very much. I appreciate the effort you take in helping me...

Thing is: I haven't bought a single L or XL ship in this game since the beginning. At the moment I own 10(+1) Rahanasses, 3 Titurels, 2 Sanahars and 3 Phoenixes all courtesy of different pirate factions.


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Post by RAVEN.myst » Tue, 9. Jan 18, 08:57

RainerPrem wrote: Thank you very much. I appreciate the effort you take in helping me...
You're welcome - it's a pleasure, in fact. :)
RainerPrem wrote: Thing is: I haven't bought a single L or XL ship in this game since the beginning. At the moment I own 10(+1) Rahanasses, 3 Titurels, 2 Sanahars and 3 Phoenixes all courtesy of different pirate factions.
Ahhh, I get it, then - so ordering a ship from a shipyard is (to your current character incarnation, at least) a novel experience :D
The Phoenixes have some beams and thus hit hard and from afar, so that may be useful for dissolving some shielding - of course, their own paper-thin defenses make me think that they'd perhaps be best used in high-rotation hit-and-run manner...
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Post by RainerPrem » Tue, 9. Jan 18, 12:02

RAVEN.myst wrote: Ahhh, I get it, then - so ordering a ship from a shipyard is (to your current character incarnation, at least) a novel experience :D
The Phoenixes have some beams and thus hit hard and from afar, so that may be useful for dissolving some shielding - of course, their own paper-thin defenses make me think that they'd perhaps be best used in high-rotation hit-and-run manner...

I employ the "helper-ships" in boarding not before ALL lasers are gone. So there shouldn't be any danger.

Well, using my Phoenixes is a new idea. Let's see if it'll work.


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