Game saves

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Game saves

Post by Weedy » Thu, 4. Jan 18, 02:54

What happen with my savegames cannot load them anymore. a couple of months ago everything was okay. Btw don't say i have 2 restart again because i loose a lot of credits and gear.


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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Thu, 4. Jan 18, 11:39

Do you have any mods installed? In early December a new update (4.30) was released. If you haven't played in a couple of months, and if you have mods installed, then my guess would be that your inability to load your savegames is the result of the incompability of one or more of your mods with said update.

Edit: I just realised that you asked the very same question in the Tech Support forum already a week ago. I suggest to continue the discussion there.
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Post by ajax34i » Thu, 4. Jan 18, 16:13

The Xenon took over your savegames and they are now self-aware and set on terraforming your hard drive.

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